botulinum toxin
- Acne, aging, Bathing, botulinum toxin, Collagen, cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic procedures, Hair, Hair loss, hyaluronic acid, PCOS, supplements
A Year of Dermangelo – What I Learned
It’s hard to believe that one year ago, I decided to hang my digital shingle and launch this blog. When I posted my humble first article about showering practices, part of me thought I’d just be shouting into the void of the internet. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my writing was well received and that so many people were eager to learn more about the science behind healthy skin. A year later, I can’t imagine my life without this creative outlet. It’s truly where “Dr. Landriscina, the skin doc” and Angelo, the person (and personality) meet and I’m so grateful I get to share my knowledge with…
- Acne, aging, Antiaging, Bathing, botulinum toxin, Collagen, cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic procedures, Dry skin, Hair, Hair loss, Moisturizing, photoaging, retinoids, sun protection, supplements
20 Easy Skincare Resolutions for 2020
A new year—nay—a new decade, is upon us and I have something to say! I’m tired of New Year’s resolutions with no substance – you know, the same weak promises that rear their ugly heads year after year like “drink more water” or “take better care of my skin.” While making substantive improvements to your skin health in the next decade might seem elusive, it’s easy if you break it down to the basics. Here are 20 super easy resolutions to try for 2020. 1. Wear SPF EVERY DAY! I know I’m required to say this as a dermatologist, but daily SPF provides a whole host of benefits including lowering…
- aging, Antiaging, botulinum toxin, Collagen, cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic procedures, photoaging, retinoids, sun protection
How Do Our Faces Change Over Time?
I love people watching. There’s something about observing strangers from a distance and making up outlandish stories about what their lives must be like that I find quite fun. Whether playing games like this or just simply walking down the street, many of us see thousands of faces per day, developing a sophisticated sort of facial recognition. This mechanism of the mind takes a snapshot that we likely don’t give a second thought to, but I’d challenge you to realize this: for each face we see, our minds automatically assign an age. Of course, we don’t realize that it’s happening, but all of our minds are crunching the numbers for…
Botulinum Toxin: What You Need to Know
Botulinum toxin injection is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the US for both women and men. Its brand names have crossed over to become household names and it has been cemented into our cultural zeitgeist over the last two decades. Yet there is still so much mystery surrounding botulinum toxin including its effect, how it’s administered and what could possibly go wrong.