• Acne,  aging,  Antiaging,  Hydroxy acids,  Ingredients

    (Hydroxy) Acid Trip

    In the 1970s, the dermatologic community embarked on a weird trip – I’m not talking about psychedelics, I’m talking about a trip inward – all the way to the dermis. That’s when researchers realized that hydroxy acids have wide-ranging benefits thanks to their ability to exert their effect at multiple levels of the skin. Since then, they’ve become one of the powerhouses of cosmeceuticals and cosmetic dermatology, and they’re seeing a revival among skincare junkies due to their ease of use and multiple benefits. Here’s what you need to know about Hydroxy acids!

  • Acne,  cosmetic dermatology,  cosmetic procedures,  hyaluronic acid,  retinoids

    Acne Scarring: Setting the Record Straight

    The impact of acne goes far beyond the skin.  While we know that active acne can cause not only physical symptoms, but serious damage to one’s self-image and social functioning, the effects of this condition can last for years – even after one has achieved “clear skin.”  Many people who have suffered with acne are left with resultant scarring – a constant reminder of what once was.  After clearing their acne, many are bombarded with a whole host of products that claim to improve acne scarring, from moisturizers to exfoliants, but it’s not quite that simple. Let’s set the record straight on acne scarring. What are acne scars? Acne scars…

  • Acne,  Moisturizing,  oily skin,  retinoids,  sun protection

    Skincare for Acne: The Complete Guide

    By now, we all know how common a problem acne is, and skincare companies have also taken notice.  Each year, billions of dollars are spent in the hopes of finding the miracle product that will rid us of our blemishes.  While skincare often isn’t enough to treat acne on its own, having the right skincare habits can significantly help decrease the severity of acne or help to make an acne treatment regimen more tolerable.  Here’s your complete guide to skincare for acne. Cleansing This first step in skincare is often a favorite of acne sufferers.  It was definitely a favorite of mine as an acne-prone teenager.  I always felt that…

  • Acne

    Acne Myths and Facts

    I, like so many people, have struggled with acne for most of my life.  It started insidiously when I was a teenager, and then progressed to overtake most of my face and leave me with scars.  Back in those days I thought I could cleanse my way to clear skin. Countless TV and magazine ads had taught me that if I emulated any of a number of famous blonde ladies and splashed my face with a bunch of water that all would right itself.  Instead I ended up with irritated skin and a soaked bathroom.  As the years have gone on, I’ve been able to gain control of my acne. …

  • aging,  Antiaging,  Collagen,  supplements

    Collagen Supplements Might Actually Work

    If you know me, you know how I feel about a lot of the claims made about dietary supplements.  As we know, the regulation of supplements is fairly lax when compared to actual medications.  Because of this, they don’t have to go through rigorous trials to prove their effectiveness before making it to the market.  However, this doesn’t stop people from using them in droves.  One such supplement is collagen. Like Hansel, collagen supplementation is so hot right now. Lately, I feel as if I’ve been bombarded with ads about it from social media to the subway and beyond.  People seem to be downing collagen pills and drinks like mimosas…

  • Bathing,  Moisturizing

    How to Simplify Your Skincare Routine

    Like Marie Kondo, I love a mess, just not when it comes to skincare.  While there’s no shortage of great products out there, I’ve found that a lot of my patients have been overdoing it, and who can blame them?  With trends like double cleansing and 12 step skincare routines rising to prominence, it’s never been more popular to have a maximalist approach when it comes to products.  While using skincare as selfcare and really taking your time to focus on your dermatologic health are great things, product overload can lead to a whole host of issues.  Using too many occlusive moisturizers, serums and essences can lead to comedonal acne. …