(Hydroxy) Acid Trip
In the 1970s, the dermatologic community embarked on a weird trip – I’m not talking about psychedelics, I’m talking about a trip inward – all the way to the dermis. That’s when researchers realized that hydroxy acids have wide-ranging benefits thanks to their ability to exert their effect at multiple levels of the skin. Since then, they’ve become one of the powerhouses of cosmeceuticals and cosmetic dermatology, and they’re seeing a revival among skincare junkies due to their ease of use and multiple benefits. Here’s what you need to know about Hydroxy acids!
Hyaluronic Acid Could Be Your Hydration Hero
We are in the midst of a hydration revolution! Over the last year, hyaluronic acid (HA) has become the “it” ingredient in skincare. While I remember using products rich in this now-ubiquitous ingredient over ten years ago, it’s enjoying a new spike in popularity. The catchy claim that this ingredient can “hold 1000 times its weight in water” fits in perfectly with the dewy, glow-obsessed moment we’re having right now. However, most HA users know little to nothing about its origins or cosmetic uses. Here’s what you need to know about hyaluronic acid.
- aging, Antiaging, botulinum toxin, Collagen, cosmetic dermatology, cosmetic procedures, photoaging, retinoids, sun protection
How Do Our Faces Change Over Time?
I love people watching. There’s something about observing strangers from a distance and making up outlandish stories about what their lives must be like that I find quite fun. Whether playing games like this or just simply walking down the street, many of us see thousands of faces per day, developing a sophisticated sort of facial recognition. This mechanism of the mind takes a snapshot that we likely don’t give a second thought to, but I’d challenge you to realize this: for each face we see, our minds automatically assign an age. Of course, we don’t realize that it’s happening, but all of our minds are crunching the numbers for…
Botulinum Toxin: What You Need to Know
Botulinum toxin injection is the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the US for both women and men. Its brand names have crossed over to become household names and it has been cemented into our cultural zeitgeist over the last two decades. Yet there is still so much mystery surrounding botulinum toxin including its effect, how it’s administered and what could possibly go wrong.
Why Do We Age?
All things change. Seasons march on, time passes and before we know it, we’re almost different people. It’s quite marvelous when you think about it—we’ve all come a long way. However, there is one aspect of this never-ending metamorphosis that most of us don’t embrace: the change in our appearance. Somewhere along the way, beauty became equated with youth and we now spend countless hours and dollars trying to retain or regain some semblance of our younger selves. Unfortunately, most of us ignore the simplest question about this whole process: Why do we age? Science tells us that answer lies both within us and in the world around us. What…